Pick Me-Choose Me-Hire Me #25- Responsibility Sucks
We're adults. When did that happen? And how do we make it stop? ~Meredith GreyOkay, okay...I realize that I haven't exactly been on top of the whole updating thing. I think it's because it is finally SUMMER which means no work, no classes, no homework, and no drama. Let me just say, it has been phenomenal! I worked out a deal to be able to stay in my apartment on campus and then just move straight to my new job which eliminates a move home to live with my parents. Not only does this save me a move, but it also means that I don't have to live with my parents for six weeks. Granted, I love them dearly, but I think as a 24-year-old Master's graduate I wouldn't fare well with taking orders and being given chores. I think my parents would agree that we are both happier this way.
In order to "earn my keep" while on campus, I have been given a few responsibilities around our department. I've been working with Hall Director Recruitment and Selection and will help to welcome the new grads and full-time hall directors to campus which is right up my alley. I have been asked to make welcome baskets and other such fun things and I may be chauffeuring candidates around campus via golf cart during on campus interview days (that was my idea!). In the meantime, I have has a LOT of free time.
I have been filling the time with three main sources of entertainment. Books, movies, and eating. Seriously, that's all I do. Oh, and flying kites. It is really windy on our campus so my supervisor and I bought kites and have flown them a lot. There is something equally relaxing and exhilarating about flying kites. It's like you are brought back to your childhood, experience a Mary Poppins flashback (let's go fly a kite, up to the highest heights...) all while getting some sun. It is truly wonderful. I have also been reading like it is nobody's business! I actually forgot how much I loved to read. I have been trying to read a combination of current best sellers, trashy romance novels, and classics at the same time. It is amazing! I think my book reading has been helped due to the fact that my supervisor (who I am now friends with) and my undergrad mentee (who I can now call a friend since she is no longer on contract and I have graduated) are both staying here this summer and also LOVE to read. We have reading parties 6-7 times a week. We just pick a spot on campus, bring our current book, and read for hours on end. Sometimes we never talk and sometimes we pepper our reading with discussions about the book topics or just random things that pop into our minds. Sometimes we take a break to watch a movie or get food, sometimes we read for hours. This is my idea of heaven.
On a much less hopeful note, I am also in the process of buying a car, packing up my life, and moving 2274.95 miles (seriously, I just Mapquested it) to a totally new life, job, state, and universe for that matter. Let me tell you right now. If you are even contemplating moving far away from where you are now, start saving money. I don't care if you are thinking about moving in 10 years. You should really start saving money now. EVERYTHING that has to do with moving is expensive. Moving vans, boxes, insurance, gas, motels, occasional side trip, food, it just keeps adding up! Luckily, my parents have graciously offered to loan me the money upfront so I don't have to take out another loan from the bank so I'm not worried about not having the money. I'm more pissed that everything costs so much. I guess this is a welcome to the dreaded "real world" that I put off for two additional years by going to grad school.
Well, I have another book that is calling my name. If you by chance have any books that you would recommend for summer reading, send them my way at pickmechoosemehireme@yahoo.com. I'll compile a list and then re-post your suggestions here so if others are in the same both that I am in (i.e. just waiting for life to start again) we can have a virtual book club going. Happy summer!
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