Pick Me-Choose Me-Hire Me #21- Superstition
Superstition lies in the space between what we can control and what we can't. We rely on superstitions because we're smart enough to know we don't have all the answers, and that life works in mysterious ways. ~Meredith GreyI decided to open this post with a quote about superstition because the time has come for me to visit THE school. Talking about THE school, I think a shout-out to In Medias Res. finding and accepting THE job is in order! Congratulations co-blogger!!! Well, my visit to THE school is in t-minus 8 hours. I have to say, I am nervous and with nerves comes superstitions. Review everything, knock on wood, I literally found a penny and picked it up, the list continues...
I am being uber-superstitious because this truly is THE school for me. It has been my #1 choice since job postings came out over the Joint Conference website. It has been my #1 choice since the day when they e-mailed me asking for a phone interview. It has been my #1 choice since I had my phone interview and felt like I was talking to two old friends. It has been my #1 choice since the first day at ACPA/NASPA when I felt like I was floating after my first interview. It has been my #1 choice since the last day of ACPA/NASPA when they offered me an on campus interview. It has been my #1 choice since I went to their social and was greeted like I was already a member of their team.
Way back in September, I made a list of qualities that I would like in a position and institution. Some of the qualities I want are as follows:
-Close proximity to the beach (any beach...ocean, river, lake, reservoir, etc.)
-Close proximity to the amenities of a large city, but not located directly in an urban setting
-Great working environment with professionals who enjoy their work and are social outside of work hours
-Living in a fun place with lots of options for a new professional outside of work
-A supervisor who will mentor as well as supervise me
-A department that values personal balance as well as professional development
-A student body who is engaged in their environment and campus community
-An atmosphere of social justice and service in action
-Amenities such as a nice apartment, parking spot, meal plan, benefits, etc.
-An institution that has a clear values, goals, and a mission statement that is congruent with my own professional values
Dear readers, I have to say that THE school has met ALL of the aforementioned requirements. Therefore, I hope that the campus and students live up to what I have been building them up to be in my head for the past 5 months. I have been creating this new version of my life based on this job for so long that I honestly do not know what I would do if I #1 hated it or #2 loved it and didn't get an offer. Speaking of which, I had better go cross my fingers, avoid cracks in the sidewalk, and not let my cat walk in front of me.
I'll be sure to update as soon as I get back! Wish me luck!!!!
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