Sunday, February 18, 2007

Pick Me-Choose Me-Hire Me #8 Life is Good!

Today is the day people, today is the day when Dark and Twisty Meredith disappears forever, and Bright and Shiny Meredith takes her place! You're probably not gonna want to be friends with me anymore, because the sheer intensity of my happiness will make your teeth hurt, but that's OK, because life is good. Life is good. ~Meredith Grey

I am happy! Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy! First, my staff is absolutely amazing. I was recently talking with one of my RAs (who will most likely be
going into CSP) about getting a "real job." Her response was "Whatever, when I'm a Hall Director it won't really be a real job. You are surrounded by college students 24/7! You get snow days and summers off and random stuff all day and night. I don't know any 'real job' where you could be awoken at 3am to the sounds of a 4 piece male acapella group practicing in the hallway." I have to say that I agree!

While my staff is amazing, there have been other developments in my life that have led to my ridiculous amount of happiness. This week I set up a phone interview with my dream school! Okay, I know everyone has their "dream school," but this really does fit EVERY category that I could ever think of for a school. It is my dream location, dream size, dream residence life department, dream job description, dream salary, and it would allow me to experience a different type of institution.

Although my dream school has asked for a phone interview, I find it extraordinarily ironic that, of the five schools that have requested to speak with me further about my qualifications, my dream school was the only one who requested a phone interview. All of the other schools have gone straight to interviews at ACPA/NASPA. Hopefully, I can woo them with my wit and intellect in order to woo them even further in Orlando! Wish me luck!

Life, is indeed, good!

PS Another reason for my extreme happiness is that I've received my first response post from a loyal reader! Thanks for the sympathies about being single!!!


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