Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Pick Me-Choose Me-Hire Me #7- Too Much

How do you know when how much is too much? Too much too soon. Too much information. Too much fun. Too much love. Too much to ask... And when is it all just too much to bear? ~Meredith Grey

Since my co-blogger has logged four posts after my last one, I've decided that it was time to update the world (or the 400 people who have read this...yay!) on what has happened in approximately a week and a half.

First, I now have a total of FOUR interviews set up for ACPA. I have no idea if this is good, weak, or somewhere in the middle. I just know that they are all with schools that I am actually interested in and I could see myself working at in the future, so by my standards, I'm kicking butt and taking names.

Second, there has been a true-to-life blizzard, and I can't remember the last time I have had more fun with students! We have been buried the last few days and my institution actually cancelled classes for a day, which as you know is basically unheard of in higher ed! I have been sledding, made an attempt at a snowman, declared war in a snowball fight, made snow art with spray paint and some artistic residents, and warmed myself up with a cozy residence hall lounge and some steaming hot chocolate. It is days like this when I think I could be okay working in colder climates!

Third, and finally, in case you weren't aware, today is Valentine's/Singles Awareness Day. Yes that's right, I will let the world know that I am indeed single. I have been for awhile and after reading some of Media Res' posts as well as the Dual Job Search blog, I have to say that I think this is probably a good time to be single. No one else to think about. No reason not to be selfish. No one else that is depending on you to make a good decision not only for yourself, but also for a relationship. Although all of this makes perfect logical sense, I have to say that I wish I was in a relationship now more than ever. Yes, a dual job search would be rough, but at least you wouldn't be alone. You would have someone to confide in, scream at after a botched interview, or simply sit in silence with after getting a rejection letter. I'm sure it would make my life more complicated, but aren't life's complications what makes it so fun and interesting? When is it all too much to bear?


At 9:54 AM, Blogger Tricia said...

I just wanted you to know that I am one of the 400 people reading your blog. I am currently in a higher ed graduate program myself and your blog has been very insightful (as well as making me very nervous about my own job hunt!) I am definitly with you about being single! I like my freedom, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone there for me.

Best of luck on your job search, I'll continue to keep reading!


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