Friday, February 02, 2007

Pick Me! Choose Me! Hire Me! #4- Are You Happy Now?

Gratitude, appreciation, giving thanks. No matter what words you use, they all mean the same thing. Happy. We're supposed to be happy. Grateful for friends, family. Happy just to be alive. Whether we like it or not. ~Meredith Gray

I would like all of my loyal readers (all 2 of you) that I have made a momentous decision in my life. I've decided to be happy. Sure, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but I can feel my happiness and gratefulness slowly being sucked away from me in the craziness of the job search. I recently received an e-mail over my program's listproc that my semi-mortal enemy of the program had gotten his dream job. My immediate reaction wasn't happiness or excitement for him and his new life with a great new job. My reaction was jealously. Where in the HELL did that emotion come from? That's simply not me! That is not who I am! I am a happy person dammit, and I don't like that my first reaction was one of judgment and jealously instead of happiness.

After that startling revelation, I started to think about how I came to this point in my life. I have decided that my program is to blame. Sure, I've probably fed into the beast a little bit, but this program truly breeds competition. We are an entire field of leaders. We are used to being the best at everything and leading everything as well. This become problematic when dozens of these personalities are put in the same classrooms, assistantships, and are constantly in competition for grades, attention from professors, and everything else under the sun. In turn, this environment has turned me into someone that I don't like very much.

With that being said, I am going to fully embrace one of my favorite tenets of the FISH Philosophy which is "Choose Your Attitude." I always tell my RAs that they need to choose their attitude and make the best of any situation, so it is about time that I start following my advice.


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