Sunday, January 28, 2007

Pick Me! Choose Me! Hire Me! #3- Expectations, Schemexpectations...

"Sometimes the expected simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You got to wonder why we cling to our expectations, because the expected is just what keeps us steady. Standing. Still, the expected's just the beginning, the unexpected is what changes our lives." ~Meredith Grey

So apparently the unexpected is what will change my life. How do I deal with that when I'm a freakin' 100% MBTI "J". Yep, I'm a Judger. I'm also a Kousez and Posner Encourage the Heart-er and a True Colors Blue. Sometimes I feel stifled by these expectations. The people in my cohort throw around these terms and judge each by the categories on a daily basis. Sometimes I feel forced to make a decision just because people know that I'm a J. Sometimes I just want to embrace my P-ness! (Insert obvious joke here.)

What does this have to do with the job search? Sometimes I wonder myself. I think there are so many expectations for me to succeed, to find the perfect job, to be extraordinarily happy that I just want to scream and tell everyone to back off! AHHHHH! (I feel surprisingly better after that cyber-shout. Thanks for bearing with me.)

First, before another rant takes its toll on me, let me give you a little update on the nuances of my job search. I have applied to three schools and set up an ACPA interview with one of them. The schools run the gamut in terms of my interest level. The first school was not in my geographic region what-so-ever, but they sought me out so I thought I would check out the website. In turn, I semi-fell in love with the department and school. I know, I know, it could just be a glossed over version of reality, but I found myself smiling, laughing, and nodding along with their mission/vision/values statement. The second school was my co#1 choice for my ACUHO-I internship last summer, but the dates wouldn't work with my schedule. I had an amazing connection with the professionals on the other side of the phone, the man in charge of the search is an alum of my grad program, and he was super-psyched when I applied. Plus, the school is in one of my top geographic regions! Hooray for that! Finally, I was also contacted and soon applied to one of the early front-runner schools. Perfect size, super perfect location, and overall great. I have yet to hear if they would like to interview me.

Okay, there's the boring stuff. I was expected to make this somewhat juicy, so here is what I think about the job search:


I know, it is not even close to being prolific, but that's what I think. Every single insecurity you have is placed in front of your face and you are asked to defend it. How do you answer the question "What is your worst quality/characteristic/trait?" I usually reach for the standard "Well, I think I am somewhat overcommitted to my job. I usually work more than what is asked of me and often find myself at the office later than I need to be, just to make sure everything is perfect for the next day," when all I really want to say is "I think I'm too emotional, too attached to the students that I work with, sometimes defensive, I judge ignorant and non-accepting people, I really think students are getting increasingly stupid, sometimes I think theory is all a crazy scheme concocted to make me fail Comps, and I have had visions of strangling meddling parents." The problem is that nobody really wants to hear the truth during a job interview. It is a little dance that we play in order to make each other feel good. I make the people feel like they are getting a quality candidate and they make me feel like I have fulfilled their expectations.

Speaking of expectations, let's talk about the fact that I still haven't figured out how to post this damn thing. I still have to go into my e-mail, search for "", find the e-mail, and follow the directions in split screen with If I can't even figure this out, then how will I be able to land and hold down a job? Clearly, it has been a rough week. More on this week at a later time. However, I do have to shout-out to my fellow blogger's sensitivity by not stealing my Grey's theme. I truly appreciate the sentiment and hope that your friends aren't too disappointed and still love you, which I'm sure is the case. Except for your friend who is like Cristina...I'm sure he/she is super pissed and already thinks he/she is better than you.

Okay, I have probably depressed all of you enough for one night. I promise that I am normally the "happy" one of my group of friends, but there is something cathartic about having a place that's free of judgement. Well, free of judgement until people start posting comments, which is not meant to deter you. It would actually be nice to know that someone reads this and my thoughts aren't just being put out there into the universe and not bouncing off of anyone.

The end.


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