Sunday, February 04, 2007

Pick Me! Choose Me! Hire Me! #5- Secrets

I'm gonna leak all the wrong secrets. I'm a bad liar. I can't even lie about talking to myself. ~George O'Malley

Well, somebody knows that I write this thing. I have NEVER been able to keep secrets, so I don't know why I thought this would be any different. I was told that the only people who would know my identity would be the people that I chose to tell. (The cat's out the bag, loose lips sink ships, a bad case of word vomit, and all of those other secret-telling analogies will fit perfectly here.) While I decided to tell him/her about this blog, it was more out of hope that I would be able to connect my fear, anguish, apprehension, and frustration with another person in my life. While I love Media Res.' additions, I have no clue where they live, what program they are in, or anything else about them. I think by telling "Clarissa" (it was his/her idea for a fake name, not mine. Trust me, I would have not chosen Clarissa. I would have gone for something sassier like Natasha...or Borat.) this whole job search process became real and exponetially scarier.

Before I dwell on the scary factor of the job search, I need to vent. I decided to devote tonight to the job search process. I figured I could spend some time adding to my Excel spreadsheet of positions, do some online applications, and of course, revise some cover letters. Little did I know that it would take over an HOUR to fill out one online application!!! This thing was ridiculous!!! I understand that the Human Resources department needs to know certain information, but was is it really necessary to do a personal credit check as part of the application process! At one point I really thought they were going to ask for a blood sample. Could you imagine the instructions?

"As part of Generic University's application process, we ask that each application prick their finger, press it to the box on the screen, and then hope that you have a specialized biomedical computer screen that can check for genetic abnormalities that would make you an unsuitable candidate for the position of Residence Hall Director. We seek out diverse candidates, but not if we know you are going to drop dead in the next 1-3 years."


I still love life. I just don't love crazy applications.


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