Monday, February 12, 2007

In Medias Res #7: Over and over and over and over. Like a Monkey with a miniature cymbal

5 points to the first person who can identify the blog title. I'll give you a hint: Its a British band.

Whoo. Another phone interview behind me. This one was for the dream job. At the dream school. It went better than the last one. I was happier with my answers this time around, although of course there’s still stuff I’d change. It seems no matter what there is always a question that just trips me up. I think a lot of it is nerves and a lot of it is a desire to sound intelligent, rather than to just say something worthwhile. I hear myself during these interviews and sometimes with my word choices I just cringe.

The timeline for this job is pretty fast. They are looking to do campus interview in the next couple of weeks, which means on the off chance they want to bring me to campus I will have to squeeze it in around class and Oshkosh. That’s’ sort of a nightmare in itself, but honestly I want this job so bad I’d do cartwheels onto the plane if they asked me.

I spent the weekend getting caught up on stuff, but the applications have really suffered. I went on the website for the joint conference today and I have 40 positions saved on my profile. I think I’ve applied to maybe five. When am I supposed to find the time to fill out forty applications? And why do I think it’s a good idea to have forty applications out there? Do I want to do forty interviews? I don’t think so. One of my goals for tonight is to pick the fifteen that I want the most and get those done, and then I’ll see where I am with the other twenty five.


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