In Medias Res # 15-That thing I promised
Ok, I was surprised people actually emailed me. Actually emailed me! It wasn’t a tidal wave, but the three I got were funny. To return the spotlight to me for a moment though: What is it about me that makes me keep taking phone interviews? I basically got dressed down yesterday for not tailoring my resume enough to the job. Admittedly this was a specialist position, but I see all my skills as transferable and I didn’t think it was that hard to read the version I sent out and see me in the position. I really don’t need to be doing phone interviews. I have two more on campuses already scheduled! I am the shit! (in a good way)That said, I have one more phone interview today-well tonight actually.
Here’s the horror stories. And they are all horror stories, trust me.
The first time I went to a conference for placement (this wasn’t NASPA or ACPA) the airline lost my luggage. This wasn’t a total catastrophe as they promised to have it to me the next day, except the next day was Sunday so they didn’t get it to me until Monday. I went with one of my best friends though, and we’re basically the same size so she lent me an outfit. Except I’m a little chestier (Editor’s note: I don’t think chesty is a word. Just saying) than her. All through my first interview I thought the guy was staring at my chest (they were sort of popping out), and I was getting angrier even though I kept talking. Finally he interrupted me and pointed at my cleavage. I had a bloody nose and it was running down my chest at this point. I was beyond embarrassed. Of course, I had back to back interviews that day so I had to walk around with my tight blood red dress shirt on. I did get a job though.
The first time I went to NASPA was to job search, and I scheduled myself an interview for every slot the first two days. My first interview ran late, and so every interview after that I was playing catch up. I was trying to answer as quickly as possible to get these done with on time, but that never worked. By the end of the day I had missed two interviews and lunch. I was so exhausted I went up to my room, skipped dinner, and proceeded to sleep through my alarm. I missed all my morning interviews the next day, and I was so groggy by the afternoon from hunger that I was basically incoherent. Fortunately my first interview went really well, they asked me for a second round, invited me to campus, and I got the job. Since then, though, I keep a small grocer’s pantry in my bag when I interview. (And I give myself thirty minutes between each.)
Ok, I will be keeping a kit-kat in my messenger bag. This one is my favorite. Short, sweet, to the point, and kind of dirty.
The Grey’s Anatomy fans will appreciate this, but here’s a tip: No matter how tired and stressed you are, or how early you go out don’t pick someone up in the hotel bar. You will end up interviewing with them the next day. And possibly? Working for them for four years.
Phew. Ok, hopefully my experience will reflect the other end of the spectrum. See you all after the conference! (That’s right punks. In Medias Res does not liveblog).
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