Sunday, March 18, 2007

In Medias Res # 12- Now we’re waiting, on the miracle, on the miracle to come.

Good lord I love me some Leonard Cohen.

I was trying to decide what to write about this week since it feels like I haven’t written in forever. Of course, I posted just last week, but I have also lived a lot in the last week (to crib a page from Christopher Isherwood). So let’s get on with it.

First things: this campus interview? Nothing like the last campus interview. I am starting to realize that my experience, dear reader, is slightly atypical. Most of my friends- if they are going on campus- are going starting this week. I have yet another on campus coming up, which means with ACPA/NASPA the week after that I will have spent more than 60% of the month of March away from my wonderful apartment. I miss my bed. I miss my couch. I miss my laptop. I miss sleep. It is a good thing I don’t have pets. Of course, my defense is also this week, and I will keep you updated on what happens there. If I fail to graduate then the whole premise of this blog is somewhat moot. Of course while I was out of town and unreachable lots of interviewers tried to get in touch with me to talk logistics, so I have lots of calls to return on Monday.

But back to the interview. I got to the campus with little to no trouble and indulged myself in some sushi (which is apparently my pre-interview ritual now). I figured out where I would be interviewing the next day, and headed back for some sleep. Airports suck, and traveling for whatever reason is just completely draining. I got to the interview site, and the onslaught begins: one conversation after another, questions get repeated, people get reintroduced. I would almost say that the highlight again was meeting with the student search committee, but really this time the best part was talking to my potential supervisor.

I don’t want to go into too much detail, but I will say that the conversation we had was powerful. We touched on a lot of aspects of theory, practice, and experience, and I got asked very intelligent and pointed questions. Not that the previous supervisor I interviewed with didn’t do the same, but there was something about the frankness of the conversation this time; the clear ability I was being afforded to be transparent and honest that really struck me. I knew that if I chose to work with this person I could learn a great deal.

Again, I did not walk away for the interview knowing I had this job. Has anyone ever done that? There were certainly interviews at OPE where I knew I was on fire, and there were moments through out the day where I sensed that I was connecting with people. I will say that should I not get an offer from either campus I will be deeply disappointed (Have I not typed that out like fifty times? At least). If I get an offer from both I will not only be shocked, but it will be very very difficult for me to make a decision.

The rest of spring break was uneventful despite some travel bumps that prevented me from getting any downtime before I return to work. As such the rest of this week I am really rushed with school, work, and preparing for the next interview. Right after I return it is the big gear up for the Joint Conference and around that time I should find out where I stand with these two jobs. So the next post might be elated or depressing, or patiently expectant.


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