Sunday, March 25, 2007

Pick Me-Choose Me-Hire Me #13- Shoes

"I am an evil mistress." ~Meredith Grey
"But still... you look nice." ~George O'Malley

First, a quick job related update. I have indeed taken the advice of many of our dear readers and have cancelled some interviews. I have also declined interviews at a few schools that I would have readily accepted at only a few short weeks ago. Also, after re-reading some comments, I went back through my spreadsheet and have decided to contact an additional five schools that I am not super passionate about after some more reflection. Thank you to various readers who shook me violently back into reality! Second, my comprehensive exams were yesterday. It was quite possibly the worst way to spend a Saturday, but they are over and I will find out before I leave for ACPA/NASPA if I passed. Let's just hope I pass because I don't know how I will cope with the idea of re-doing things hanging over my head while I am interviewing for jobs. I could write an entire post about the stupid test, but that just allows me to dwell on them and I do NOT want to do that because I'll go nuts! Moving on...

I spent today shopping for the conference, or as my RAs have been calling it "The Big Joint." (The funny factor of the word "joint" has apparently not outgrown these college students...and I love them for it!) Now, for some of you, the idea of shopping may put a big smile on your face. Strolling through isle after isle of consumerism, soaking up the commercialization of America does not put a big smile on my face. Well, let me correct myself. I do not like being forced to go shopping. I like to think of it as more of an organic experience. You know, I'm more of a gatherer as opposed to a hunter type of gal so being surrounded by 100's of people who are after the next big deal while I'm just trying to find a cute shirt does not appeal to me.

Therefore, I was not looking forward to today. I knew I had to get dress shoes, a few new shirts for underneath suits, and some random other things to be able to survive in Orlando for less than a week. I decided to start looking for shirts first. The entire time I was shopping, I kept hearing all of the Career Center presentations on ways to "Dress for Success" running through my mind, however I could not remember for the life of me if stripes/patterns were okay for underneath a suit. I think the problem could be due to conflicting presentations.I decided to bounce the idea off of my friends in the program so the first person I called was my friend who works in the Career Center. Sadly, she didn't pick up so I left her a semi-frantic voicemail that is probably unintelligible except for sporadic words such as "stripes," "confused," "hireable," or "credible."

Next up on my speed dial was my best friend who has already been through a professional job search. She suggested that if I choose stripes or pattern, try to pick one that is very demure and don't go crazy with jewelry. Therefore, I picked up the white shirt with black and pink stripes that I had been hesitantly eyeing for the past 20 minutes and a plain black necklace to match. I also picked up the standard white Oxford (which was only $4.00!!!) just to cover myself in case I go to the first day of placement and observe a sea of black suits and white Oxfords. I am fully prepared to conform to the environmental press and not feel guilty about it what-so-ever.

Next up was searching for interview appropriate shoes, which I like to call the search for the ugliest shoes on Earth. If I have learned nothing from the advice that I received last year, it was to wear comfortable shoes, no matter how tempted you are to pick up the cutest things on the shelf that will compliment your suit oh-so-nicely. I do remember having crazy tired feet last year at ACPA, but I also remember the convention center in Indy being about 1/2 mile from our hotel and I somehow chose sessions that were consistently on opposite ends of the seemingly endless concourse. *Sidenote to future conference planners* Ask
Segway to co-sponsor the conference so none of us have to walk. I would pay exorbitant conference fees to see George Kuh, Vivienne Cass, or Arthur Chickering go flying past me, latte firmly placed in the convenient cup holder, wind flowing through their thinning hair. Just a thought...

Anyway, I was on a mission to find the cutest, most comfortable, closed toe shoes in the immediate area. If they existed, I was going to find them. However, I have big feet that are hard to fit. I've made my peace with it, but that doesn't mean it is any easier to find shoes. Also, I have been influenced by years and years of gender-oppressive media that tells me to "pick the cute shoes, pick the cute shoes" so today was tough. I ended up with really ugly brown shoes that feel like I am walking on a cloud and really cute, semi- to fairly comfortable black shoes. I gave in when I realized that I could wear these shoes with both my black pants suit and with my black suit with matching skirt. However, I also bought some Dr. Scholl's inserts so if you hear someone next week go on and on about how "I am so totally gellin" while in a black suit with shoes that look very cute and semi-comfortable, then it is probably me.

So the moral of the story is that I found shoes, a daring shirt, a conservative shirt, and a bunch of other stuff. However, as I was looking for
ugly shoes, I started to think about whether shoes would really change the outcome of a job offer for me. Given the fact that every, single job presentation has made me believe the interviewers only care about the condition of your nails and what shoes you are wearing, I was worried. When I realized this, I soon scanned the isles for cuter (is that a word?) shoes, ones that would really sell me as a candidate. Then, after my 7 seconds of insanity, I embraced the whole "inner beauty" thing and decided that if I didn't get a job based on my ugly brown shoes then I probably didn't really want to work for the institution in the first place. However, after my moment of clarity I began wonder if I had the perfect suit, shoes, hair, make-up, and almost perfect answers if that would trump an okay suit, shoes, hair, make-up, and perfect answers. Is it really about the total package or would an evil mistress who looks nice get a job over a poorly put-together fairy godmother?

PS If any of you out there think I do nothing but complain, this is not a true reflection of my personality. I was a little peeved about the whole ugly shoes afternoon, but my mood was immediately lifted when I drove into my parking spot and saw four of my residents flying kites on the front lawn of our building. It was a beautiful day, a great image, and a fabulous reminder of why I want to go step into the world of Student Affairs, even if I do it in ugly shoes.


At 7:02 AM, Blogger Jill said...

I think as long as no one can say "oh my god, what was she wearing"--you'll be okay. I agree, elbowing people to find right outfit is not flattering on anyone. I think the stripes will be fine. I am not a professional (yet) but I did just interview for graduate school recently and one day everyone wore a black suit and plain white or blue shirt (but me) I wore a black suit with a red/black/cream striped shirt. I certainly stood out in the crowd, and sometimes, you need that. With jacket closed, the most one may see is collar/neck, and tails if you opt to leave your shirt untucked. And I totally agree, if anyone tells you "no" because of your shoes, they're nuts, and you don't want to work for them anyway. Good luck and have fun.

At 7:52 PM, Blogger The Neeleys said...

I would have given anything to see Terenzini ride across the stage on a Segway last night... seriously :)


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